In the press

Last Sunday I opened the Irish Independent and joy o joy there I was in Clodagh Dooley’s supplement ‘ Move in , move up ‘ with not one but 2 of my products - my new small luxury products gift boxes along with my ever popular Ocean inspired resin art serving trays.

It got me thinking - Do people still give housewarming gift? Years ago when we all bought our first homes or moved in with friends, we got ‘stuff’. Be it the contents of some long forgotten cupboard of your mother’s or a kettle from your auntie ( I ended up with 3 toasters!) people were quick to pass on what they didn’t want or need.

Doing a bit of research the housewarming gift is still going strong and with the modern interiors kitchens and living rooms are light, airy rooms with painted cabinets as opposed to darker woods, wouldn’t a beautiful hand painted Ocean serving tray or cheese board add an amazing modern pop of colour …..

Fiona Scott