Well I didn’t see that one coming …
I was shocked & over the moon to get a DM from my friend & mentor Tara Prendergast from the Biscuit Factory last night to say I was nominated for the finals of the Irish Country Magazine #irishmadeawards in the Gift Category.
I’ve always stuck to my guns about making my own serving boards and not using mass produced from many air miles way, and people have called me mad but at the end of the day it’s not about the quantity or the profit - it’s about quality, sustainable use of wood and the fact that everything is #madelocal and #madetolast
I would really appreciate if you could hit the link and vote for me - this is decided by you guys! It would mean a lot to a micro business like my own. Xx
Fiona Scott Resin Artist finalist in gift category of Irish Made Awards
Fiona Scott Resin Artist, finalist in Irish Made Awards